17th July GBM Awareness Day: Shining a Light on Glioblastoma

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GBM Awareness Day takes place each year on the third Wednesday of July to recognize the profound impact of glioblastoma. This day is dedicated to honouring those affected by this devastating disease, raising awareness, and supporting ongoing research efforts.

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive malignant brain tumour. In Europe alone, approximately 20,000 new cases of glioblastoma are diagnosed each year. It is a relentless disease that affects not only the individuals diagnosed but also their families and friends.

The Role of Research and Awareness

GLIOMATCH is an ambitious Horizon Europe project coordinated by Prof. Frederik De Smet, aimed at developing targeted treatments for brain cancer. The project brings together more than twelve partners from ten different European countries. The main goal of GLIOMATCH is to improve clinical outcomes for patients with malignant brain tumours, such as glioblastoma (GBM) in adults and high-grade gliomas (pHGG) in children.

Throughout July 2024, Gliomatch is spearheading initiatives to raise awareness about brain cancer in both adults and children. Their efforts aim to educate the public, promote early detection, and highlight the importance of research in finding better treatments and, ultimately, a cure.

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Bringing Hope and Support

While a cure for glioblastoma remains elusive, the hope is that continued research will lead to advanced treatments and, one day, a cure.

Join us in observing GBM Awareness Day and help shine a light on glioblastoma. Your support and awareness can make a world of difference.
Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to countless lives.